We Are The Future


Do students’ opinions matter? Of course they do, because us students will soon be the be the next generation of creative minds building the future of our world. This is why, when Legacy chooses a new location to move to in a couple years, the teachers and students should be allowed to vote on our new campus.

There are two sides to this opinion of course, as there are to all opinions. On one hand, the students are the ones spending all day in the classrooms, not to mention paying to attend. They should get the chance for their opinion to be counted and considered as the board decides where the students will be spending eight hours a day for many years. On the other hand, teachers are the ones educating these next generation individuals and they have to spend even more time there than the students. Teachers may also want to choose a campus with fewer potential distractions, though this can be argued with the fact that these young people’s creativity will be alive while envisioning us at this new school and the potential the campus will hold. Should the students’ choice win, they will also have to practice diligence and remember that when they chose the campus, they gave the impression that they would work well in it.

LCA is a school that cares about each and every one of its students and I believe that we should make this critical decision as one body in Christ.


LCA’s House System: Creating a New Legacy


The National Honor Society at Legacy