Educational Booths - A Necessity


Last year, the Kern County fair livestock sales were virtual along with many other events. Food vendors lined up in the Kern County Fair parking lot for people to drive up and buy the fair food that everybody loves.

 Although the fair could be open to the public this year, some believe that educational booths should be included in the re-opening. Everyone loves the rides and the games, some people also enjoy watching livestock shows, while others prefer walking around to all of the different booths. These booths include Gems and Minerals, Bug-Ology, Fachin Bees Educational Display, Kids Can Cook, and the Petting Zoo which are some super fun booths to visit.

 The Gems and Minerals booth had many types of gems such as opal, peridot, emerald, and many more beautiful crystals. The Fachin Bees Educational Display had a fair amount of education and even had a showcase that displayed the bees at work. They had multiple boards covered in information, as well as a quiz area to see how much people knew about the lifestyle of the bee.  The Kids Can Cook booth gives children ages 5-12 the chance to cook various snacks such as doughnuts, salsa, smoothies, whipped cream, and much more. The petting zoo is a fan favorite because it's so hands-on. They have goats, sheep, piglets, joeys, chickens, ducks, and alpacas. They sell food pellets that kids can give to the animals. Although we learn how to read, write, and solve math problems in the classroom, students rarely have the chance to go outside and learn about something that interests them. When schools take a trip to the Kern County Fair, it could easily be the only time that some kids get to see a livestock animal or experience what the typical day is like for a farmer. Students might be in time to see a 4-H member getting their sheep or goat ready before it’s time for them to go into the ring, though it’s pretty rare. 

To summarize, educational booths are important and should be included if the fair re-opens again this year. There are many booths that families can visit to learn more about livestock animals, gems and minerals, bees and so much more. 


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